



2024-07-19 23:42:40 来源:网络


用fall down造五个句子??
1.You must watch your step so as not to fall down. 你必须留心脚下才不会跌下去🐍🪳-✨。2.Watch out. You might fall down.小心🧿🐞——-🧐🦂!你可能会摔下来😯|😢。3.Fall down. he hurts his toe!跌倒了🦓🥌-_🐈,他的脚趾头受伤了🌲🌾|🌤🐺。4.Why do stars Fall down from the sky?为什么星星们从天上坠落?5.. Leaves fal等我继续说🐂🦘_-💐。
1.倒塌🌍__🦢🐚; 跌倒Many buildings fell down during the earthquake.在地震中许多楼房倒塌了🦏|-🎭🎾。Babies often fall down when they learn to walk.婴儿在学走路时经常摔倒🦋-🦤。2.失败His plans have fallen down.他的计划失败了😴_-🦁😸。收起词典例句参考资料🎎🦕_🐀🤓: 等会说🐁🙂——|😠。


用fall down造句??
She fell down on the ground.她摔倒在地上了.
Don't fall down from the stairs.别从楼梯上摔下来了🐉——🐏😵。Leaves are falling down from trees.树叶正从树上落下来🪴🦠|🪅。She fell down on the ground.她摔倒在地上了🌙🎿|_🌻👹。
soccer和fall down如何造句???
Soccer: 足球I had a game of soccer with my classmates.我和我的同学们一起踢足球🐯🥀-*🌿。fall down: (人)摔倒🐞_-🐺,跌倒🌪-🎉;(构造物)倒塌🎿😙——🌜;(在某一点上)薄弱🖼🦊-——🐾😷,不尽如人意If I fall down, what do I do?如果我摔倒了😖🎈--🌺🤗,我要怎么做?
fall down: I watch as the book falls down the building.in fall: The leaves turn red in fall.fall off: Stay away from the edge, you don't want to fall off that cliff.fall asleep: I always fall asleep in class.as.. as possible: I'll try to get home as soom as 还有呢?
用on the grass , fall down, called , smile at sb ,in a tree ,on...
There is a book on the grass.London Bridge is falling down.A girl called Lucy came to see you a moment ago.He always smiles at others.There is a kite in a tree.There are some apples on a tree.希望能帮到你🎲🐕‍🦺-_🤬🎗,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不会的欢迎再继续问我(*^__^*)好了吧🐷😈|🌘!
We walked for miles and miles.我们走了很长很长的路🌹——_🕊。He had come down to begging.他已沦为乞丐☁️————🦓。I go to sleep with my back to her.背向她睡觉Whew! I almost fall down.唷🦘-🐽*!我几乎摔倒😱|🐸😃。As an artist, she can run rings around her brother.她在艺术方面的成就显然胜过她的哥哥🐗🌸__🐍。
1👻🧧——😳、He that is down need fear no fall.位居底层者不怕跌落*——-🦢。2🏏🤔-🐷🌲、She's got no place to fall.她没有跌落的余地🦚🐐_💐🐵。3*_*、Everybody thought that China would fall off a financial cliff.人人都以为中国将跌落金融悬崖⚾🌦|😾😚。4😬😪-🐨🌴、Some of them fell in the last attack, but not many.他们其中的一些在等会说🏑🌝-🎯。